

  • Rs.17065 to 59800 (63)
  • to
  • Apple (63)
  • Asus (17)
  • Digiflip Pro (8)
  • HP (6)
  • Huawei (4)
  • iBall (9)
  • Intex (1)
  • Lenovo (13)
  • Sony (3)
  • Swipe (9)

Rs 56900

  • iOS 6 Operating System
  • A6X Chip
  • Wi-Fi Enabled

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Rs 49800

  • Full HD Recording
  • M8 Motion Co-processor
  • Full HD Recording

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Rs 43900

  • Retina Display
  • Quad-Core Graphics
  • Internal Storage of 64 GB

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Rs 27900

  • FaceTime HD Camera
  • iOS 6 and iCloud
  • A5 Chip

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Rs 24500

  • LED-backlit Display
  • Built-in Wi-Fi
  • Dual-core A5 chip

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Rs 38999

  • Dual-Core A5X Chip
  • iOS 5 and iCloud
  • 1080p HD Video Recording
  • Built-in Wi-Fi

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Rs 42800

  • M8 Motion Co-processor
  • Wi-Fi Enabled
  • 9.7-inch Touchscreen

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Rs 27900

  • A5 Chip
  • FaceTime HD Camera
  • iOS 6 and iCloud

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Rs 35900

  • 1080p HD Video Recording
  • Dual-Core A5X Chip
  • Built-in Wi-Fi

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Rs 35949

  • iOS 7
  • 9.7-inch Touchscreen
  • 5 MP Primary Camera

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Rs 38999

  • Dual-Core A5X Chip
  • 1080p HD Video Recording
  • iOS 5 and iCloud

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Rs 32990

  • Quad-Core Graphics
  • Internal Storage of 32 GB
  • 5MP iSight camera

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Rs 35800

  • iOS 6 and iCloud
  • 7.9 inch LED Backlit Display
  • FaceTime HD Camera

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Rs 45649

  • FaceTime
  • Full HD Recording
  • Wi-Fi Enabled
  • 9.7-inch LED

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Rs 54500

  • 1.2 MP Secondary Camera
  • Full HD Recording
  • 9.7-inch Touchscreen

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Rs 52700

  • FaceTime
  • Full HD Recording
  • 1.2 MP Secondary Camera

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Rs 40755

  • Full HD Recording
  • 5 MP Primary Camera
  • FaceTime

Get the Deal

Rs 42800

  • Wi-Fi Enabled
  • 1.2 MP Secondary Camera
  • 9.7-inch Touchscreen

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Rs 30000

  • 275000 Apps
  • 7.9 inch LED
  • FaceTime HD Camera
  • iOS 6 and iCloud

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Rs 36999

  • 5 MP Primary Camera
  • 9.7-inch Touchscreen
  • A7 Chip with M7 Co-processor

Get the Deal

Rs 33900

  • iOS 6 and iCloud
  • 10 Hrs of Battery Life
  • 275000 Apps

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Rs 52800

  • Wi-Fi Enabled
  • Full HD Recording
  • M7 Motion Co-processor

Get the Deal

Rs 28699

  • Wi-Fi Enabled
  • 1.2 MP Secondary Camera
  • 7.9-inch Touchscreen

Get the Deal

Rs 56900

  • 1.2 MP Secondary Camera
  • iOS 7
  • 5 MP Primary Camera
  • FaceTime

Get the Deal

Rs 45800

  • 1.2 MP Secondary Camera
  • 7.9-inch Touchscreen

Get the Deal

Rs 39500

  • iOS 6 and iCloud
  • 275000 Apps
  • 5MP iSight Camera
  • FaceTime HD Camera

Get the Deal

Rs 52800

  • Full HD Recording
  • M7 Motion Co-processor
  • Wi-Fi Enabled

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Rs 35695

  • Wi-Fi Enabled
  • Full HD Recording
  • 8 MP Primary Camera

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Rs 45800

  • 7.9-inch Touchscreen
  • Full HD Recording
  • 1.2 MP Secondary Camera

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Rs 59800

  • M8 Motion Co-processor
  • Full HD Recording
  • A8X Chip

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Rs 52800

  • M7 Motion Co-processor
  • 7.9-inch Touchscreen
  • Wi-Fi Enabled

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